Saturday, April 12, 2014



Love Tears(Link)

9 Lives Records, Ashland, KY
December 5, 2011
Synopsis of "Love Tears"

Gloria (Glo) Smith has been writing poetry all of her life. She has been published in anthologies, and her local newspaper many times.

Here is a collection of some of her best work. It is thought provoking and poignant, and speaks not only of the pain that love can bring but of its many joys as well. Her raw and mesmerizing imagery captures with rare clarity both the dizzying heights, and the depths of despair into which love can thrust us all. Her prose is always laced with the desire which underlies all of loves' many facets.

She has poured out her heart onto the creamy smooth pages like the crimson elixir of love she writes of, for you to drink your fill of over and over again, until you are possessed by her raw emotion, and drunk on the heady potion of love itself...

Holding nothing back she draws you headlong into her musings on life, her insights into the human condition, and as you hold the reigns of her powerful words in your hands, you are tempted to daydream of taboos, first loves, and only loves.

Come join her on her quest to find out all that love is... and to impart the "love of love" itself!

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