Saturday, April 12, 2014



  2. Human Resource Manager, Company Trainer, Project Manager

    OPK Telemarketing

    Ryan Bowman
    Sales Manager at Aternity

    Working and being managed by Gloria was a pleasure and really a learning experience. Her knowledge, attention to detail, and management skills were something that I would that made me a better employee and motivated me to be better. She always seemed to get the best out of her employees and would surely be an asset to any company that is smart enough to bring her onboard..
    November 21, 2009, Ryan reported to Gloria at OPK Telemarketing

    Jason Row
    Freelance Internet Marketing Manager

    Gloria was one of the best if not the best Project Manager I worked with at OPK. I always felt confident turning over new clients to her as a Project Manager. She always under-promised and over delivered. She consistently brought the projects in on time and under budget. She is easy to get along with and as serious and focused as they come when it comes to her projects both in and out of the office. I would recommend her and her skill sets to anyone who asks!less
    July 15, 2009, Jason was with another company when working with Gloria at OPK Telemarketing

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